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Prepare Your Tracks For Mixing

Audio File Formats

Accepted formats are WAV, BWF or AIFF, ideally 24 bit, 44.1, 48k, 88.2 and 96k. Please avoid converting sample rates and just send at the rate the project was recorded. No need to normalise files, just please ensure they are not clipping.


Pro Tools Sessions

If your project was recorded in pro tools, make sure all audio you wish to use is in the main playlist then do a save session copy, zip up the whole session and make sure all audio is present. You can check this via the audio files dialog and selecting show full path. Any doubt, just "save session in", and into a new folder. Alternatively just consolidate the audio and export the whole session.


Here are some additional requirements for Pro Tools Sessions:


  1. Please start sessions at Bar 0 and time 0:00, not midway into the timeline.

  2. Make sure the first audio starts at least one bar into the timeline to prevent truncation

  3. Please remove all inactive or disabled tracks from the session

  4. Please remove any muted tracks which you do not intend on being in the mix

  5. Ensure all audio is on the main playlist and delete all other playlists

  6. Before you make a "Save Session Copy In…” REMOVE all unused audio before delivery


Other DAW Sessions

If it wasn't originated it Pro Tools usually it is best to save a copy of your your session, and then set all faders to zero and turn off all automation before exporting your audio. Remove any plugins you may have used on the files like eq, or compressors and any processing that is un-necessary unless fundamentally part of the sound or an effect you are going for.


Track Preparation

Make sure you export your audio files as continuous tracks (or consolidated) from EXACTLY the same point, i.e bar 0 beat 0 to the very end of the track. Before you do this, ensure joined regions, drop-ins etc have crossfades applied to each edit to avoid clicks and pops. Print any virtual instruments or soft synths to audio tracks before you export, likewise if you tracked with guitar plugins, though you can also send DI as well with those.


Do not send alternate versions of tracks and expect me to decide which to use -  it is your job as producer to decide which are the definitive versions of tracks to be used in your song. The same goes for arrangement - send me the tracks ready to mix - I will not be copy pasting sections and moving them around - do that BEFORE it arrives with me. I expect you to have prepared the tracks to an acceptable standard, the production to be mix ready.  


Print any special effects key to the production to audio tracks before you export them, and do feel free to send me any notes or comments you may have that could be useful. Also include a rough mix if you have one.


Cleaning tracks : I’m not as much of a stickler for this as some people. It’s nice of you tidy up, but if there’s noise, and it’s obtrusive as I mix, I’ll cut it out and not even bother you. It's easy with a DAW these days! HOWEVER - if you’re the type of person that will worry about every singe breath noise, or lip smacks then you are best off cleaning those tracks up yourself before they arrive. I am not here to finish your production, though am happy to for an additional fee. 


Send All The Tracks

Make sure you include EVERYTHING you intended to include with the original session prior to the mix session; occasionally clients will decide post-mix that they wish to include/change other tracks in a production, which is fine, but please be aware that you will be charged for additional changes as by that point I may have already edited, changed levels, processed or otherwise tweaked the track which will require more time to do again. 

How To Export Stems or Audio Files

Below you will find a list of videos that will give you instructions on how to export your audio files or stems from almost every DAW I could think of.  

Click the link below for a step by step guide on exporting stems in Logic:


For a step by step guide on exporting stems in Ableton please click the link below:


Click the link below for a step by step guide on exporting stems in Reaper:


For a step by step guide on exporting stems in Studio One:


For a step by step guide on exporting stems in Reason:


Click the link below for a step by step guide on exporting stems in FL Studio


Click the link below for a step by step guide on exporting stems in Garage Band:


Click the link below for a step by step guide on exporting stems in Mixcraft


Click the link below for a step by step guide on exporting stems in Sonar:


Click the link below for a step by step guide on exporting stems in Adobe Audition:


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